Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Create an Online Newsletter For Your Company

If you want to build a profitable company you need to build a relationship with your customers. One of the best ways to do this is to create an online newsletter. It takes much less time than a print newsletter and is easier to deliver. If you use the right tools you can even schedule it to be sent ahead of time leaving you free to work on other aspects of your business.

Steps To Create an Online Newsletter For Your Company

1. Purpose

Don't create a newsletter just because you've been told it's a good idea. Think deeply about its purpose. For example the purpose may be to stay in touch with your contacts, generate new leads, make repetitive sales or help customers stay abreast of the latest developments.

2. Commitment

Unless there is a commitment to create and regularly deliver a newsletter you'll be wasting your time and it won't be successful. Make a commitment how often you wish to send your newsletter and how you will market it to generate subscribers.

3. E-mail marketing software

Sign up for an online e-mail marketing company to deliver your newsletters. This will enable you to send your company newsletter from anywhere at any time as long as you have an Internet connection. Look for features which include:

Prescheduled delivery HTML templates Unlimited subscribers Unlimited auto responders 99% delivery rate Tracking Reliable customer service

4. Create content

Make sure you include content your subscribers find valuable otherwise they will unsubscribe. Include well-written articles, latest news, product developments, sale announcements and tips for building and marketing their business. If you get stuck for ideas visit the top article directories to find an article in your niche. Make sure you give credit to the author by including his resource box at the end of the article.

5. Format content

Use the HTML templates included with your e-mail marketing software to create a professional looking newsletter. If your service does not allow this just send a text-based newsletter. Keep in mind not all e-mail software your clients use will correctly display your HTML newsletter. If you have the option, create and send your newsletter in both HTML and text based formats.

6. Delivery

Make a commitment to deliver your newsletter on a regular schedule. For example send it every week or bi-weekly so your subscribers know when to expect it. To avoid the pressure of creating a new newsletter every week or 2 weeks, write several of them ahead of time then preschedule them to be automatically delivered using your email marketing software.

7. List building

Building your list is a continuous process. The larger your list the more money you'll make. Place a sign-up form on your list building page that includes name and e-mail address fields. Your e-mail company will provide the HTML code for you to copy and paste into your web page. To motivate visitors to subscribe offer a free download such as a free report, video or software.

Here are some ways to drive traffic to your list building page:

add your opt-in form to every page of your website or blog article marketing video marketing joint ventures search engine marketing ezine advertising pay-per-click advertising

If you follow these 7 steps you'll create an online newsletter which will be the pride of your company because you're building customer relationships that will last a lifetime.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Using An Autoresponder For Your Business   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   

How to Chose the Right Auto-Responder for Your Business: Paid Vs Free

As your business grows so do your need to deliver great customer service in the most efficient way. Here is where the auto-responder comes in, it will help automate your business and free your time up to do other important things in your business.

The number one question I get often about auto-responders is which service to use a paid service or a free service. It all depends on your business size and needs.

When I first started my online business I started with a free service that my hosting service included in addition you can also purchase auto-responder software for cheap money and run it on your own server.

However if your goal is to build a list a.k.a. database then I suggest you subscribe to a monthly service with a proven track record. Email marketing services such as AWeber and Constant Contact are my top two picks for auto-responders. The best part of having a paid service is that you can track your delivery rate as well as how successful your click through rate was.

In addition with a paid service you have a support team ready to help you as well as how to videos that helps you understand how to set up your auto-responder as well as how to run the most effective email marketing campaigns.

Using a paid service also helps build trust from your customers, and better yet helps you and your business to adhere to the CAN SPAM act for not spamming your customers and potential prospects. The paid services have your subscribers double opt-in to your emails.

Nevertheless take your time and do the research only you know what is best for your business, and your budget.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Using An Autoresponder For Your Business   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   

Email Automation - 3 Ways To Automate Email Marketing Using Autoresponders

Do you spend a lot of time replying to e-mails?

Do you follow-up on your customers?

Are you tracking your success?

If you are solo entrepreneur running an online business you need to do a lot of activities yourself because you can't afford to hire staff or don't want to. One of these activities is e-mail marketing. If you're not building a list and marketing your products to this list you're leaving a lot of money on the table. E-mail automation can be accomplished using autoresponders. They allow you to automate list building, customer follow-up and track how many people open your e-mails and/or click on your links.

3 Ways Autoresponders Help With Email Automation

1. List building

Most professional autoresponder services provide the HTML code to place on your website or squeeze page. A squeeze page consists of a sign-up form, a free offer and several bullet points outlining the benefits of signing up to receive the offer. Typically there will be no other links on the squeeze page so the reader does not get distracted by clicking elsewhere on the page. You want them to focus on one thing and that is to fill in and submit the form so you can capture their contact information and store it in the autoresponder database. Your number of subscribers will increase in proportion to the amount of traffic you drive to your squeeze page. If you do this frequently and consistently you'll build a large list over time.

2. Follow-up marketing

More sales are generated in the follow-up process than those prospects who only get exposed to your product once. Prospects easily get distracted and soon forget about your free offer. To cut through all their distractions you need to send them a series of e-mail reminders using autoresponders. If they are reminded to check out your product every couple of days for several weeks you have a better chance of making a sale than if they only saw it one time. Make sure you don't just pitch your product in every e-mail but include great content. The more informed they are about your product the better your chances of making a sale.

3. Monitoring your success

If you don't know how many people are reading your newsletters or clicking on the links in your content you won't know if you're making progress. For example if you have a list of 5000 subscribers and only 1% read your newsletter it means you're only reaching 50 people. Test and track different components of your e-mail marketing system to improve your readership. When setting up your HTML e-mail templates for your newsletters make sure you enable tracking before sending them out.

Autoresponders are like having virtual employees who work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without complaining how hard they have to work.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   

Internet Marketing Tips For Your Business - Automatic Follow-Up Systems For Business Customers

Today, automatic follow-up systems are essential when advertising or marketing online for your business.

An automatic follow-up system is composed of e-mail, mobile text messages, voice-mail messages, direct mail -- postcards, sales letters, or gifts.

This automatic follow-up system is the preferred marketing system for most businesses today for these reasons:

It is automated so that the prospects you are trying to reach are actually contacted and not forgotten. The system can be set up to deliver messages in advance for many months into the future. Prospects can receive and interact with the system messages at their own convenience. You can repeat a particular promotional message over time so that the prospect can grasp and appreciate the information more fully that you are sending to them. With the system they are more likely to buy from you since you are communicating with them on their terms.

Mobile Text Messages

communication and is going toward mobile interaction more and more with the advent of the increasing number of mobile phones. This is one device that people usually have within 3 feet of them at all times. Therefore they are ready to communicate with these devices and your messages to a greater extent of time.

Text messages are usually read far more readily than e-mail messages today. Another form of communication superior to text may be forthcoming in the future, but for now text has seemed to become the most popular and convenient form of communication.


E-mail is a preferred method of communication when the message is somewhat lengthy and too long for text messages. Here's the trick with this. You can text a prospect a message that you have e-mailed them something important that is valuable and of interest to them. This will remind them to check their e-mail and see your message.

Sending both a text and e-mail message appears give you the best chance to get your message across to your prospects.


The best form of voice-mail is one that goes directly to the phone voice-mail without the phone ringing. This allows the prospect to hear the voice-mail message at their convenience without disturbing them when the phone rings. Most people don't want to be interrupted when they're busy doing something else than answering a phone. I think everyone can relate to this!

Direct Mail

The best ways to use direct mail -- whether you are sending a postcard, a letter, or gift - is to send it after you have already made contact with the prospect. You may have made contact with this prospect by these earlier methods noted in this article such as e-mail, mobile text messages, or voice-mail. Direct-mail usually more expensive to send. So it is always better when the prospect has had contact with you previously and they are more likely to readily accept your direct-mail communication when you send it.

The important thing is that you periodically let your prospects know who you are, where you are, and what you have to offer that would be of value to them. When you send messages to your prospects in this way they will appreciate it, and they will eventually buy from you.

And don't forget about those valuable referrals that they can give you once they become satisfied customers. Then of course, you would send messages to these referrals and turn these referrals into eventual customers as well.

For more ways Internet marketing can make your business or practice grow, see the resource box at the bottom of this article to get more information. Finally, the internet marketing scene is constantly changing - so what worked in the past may not work well now. To get the most up to date information on the best way to advertise and market your business, see the resource box at the bottom of this article.

Thank You Business Owners, Brian B. Dawson

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Using An Autoresponder For Your Business   

Autoresponder Monthly Fees - How to Easily Cover Your Monthly Costs

So you decided you need a web-based autoresponder to build an e-mail list and send automated follow-up messages to your customers. After doing some research you realize you have to pay a monthly fee for this service and the costs increase as your list grows.

How are you going to cover your autoresponder fees?

Here are 5 ways to cover your autoresponder monthly fees

1. Affiliate program

Most of the popular web-based autoresponder services such as Aweber, GetResponse, ConstantContact have an affiliate program you can sign up for. You will earn approximately 30% recurring commissions for every affiliate you sign-up. You only need a few people to cover your monthly autoresponder costs.

Alternatively research the market place at ClickBank to select an affiliate program you wish to promote. Find a recurring commission program that pays you every month.

2. Create a product

If you've already written a number of articles or blog posts on a particular subject bundle them together to create a short report to sell for $7.00. Create a landing page that outlines all the benefits of receiving your report and include a payment button. Write a series of articles that includes a link to your landing page in the resource box. Submit your articles to the top article directories and ezine publishers in your niche. If an ezine publisher with 10,000 subscribers picks up your article you'll make more than enough money to cover your monthly autoresponder fees.

3. AdSense advertising

These are Google ads you often see displayed at the top, left, right or bottom of websites. If you already have a well-established website or blog consider adding AdSense Ads to your pages. Any time a visitor clicks on one of your ads you get paid. It may only be a few pennies per ad however if you multiply that by the number of pages on your website it will cover your monthly autoresponder costs. AdSense income will increase in proportion to the number of pages you add to your website.

4. Offer a service

If you have skills that are in demand setup a web page that illustrates your skills. For example my skills include website design, search engine optimization, article marketing, e-mail marketing and web hosting. I charge a monthly fee for maintaining a client's website or hosting their web pages. One client easily covers my monthly autoresponder costs.

5. Create a newsletter

Since you already signed up for an autoresponder you will be building a list of subscribers. Start a newsletter right away and use it to sell your own or affiliate products. After you've built a list of 1000 subscribers offer advertising in your newsletter. Use your autoresponder to follow-up on prospects by "drip feeding" them information and selling your own or affiliate products.

If you use one or all of these methods you'll easily cover your monthly autoresponder fees.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   

Aweber - How to Leverage Your Time and Efforts Using Email Autoresponder

Importance of following up with your customers and prospects cannot be stress enough. It is a well known fact that not many visitors to your site would buy your product or service first time they see it. People need to see your offer 4-7 times before buying. Opt-in email marketing can solve this problem and email autorespnder helps you to leverage your time and efforts.

Opt-in form

With Aweber it is so easy to create an opt-in form: choose a template, edit, save and it is ready to go. You just copy and paste a code of a form you created in a place you like. Your website, blog or a lead capture page are all a good places for such form. Every time somebody fills an opt-in form they directed to a website of your choice and follow-up messages automatically sent to your subscribers no matter what time of a day it is.

Follow-up email series

Follow-up email series give you a chance to put your offer in front of your prospects and customers as many times as you like. By treating your list with respect and care you can build a good relationship with your followers.

Best part of using email autoresponder is automation. You have to write follow-up emails and save it. You set mailing time-every other day or once a week for example and Aweber will do the rest. With a job done once, each and every subscriber on your list will received emails even if you are on holidays. This is a beauty and a power of leveraging your time and efforts.

Broadcast messages

If you like to send a special offer, share some news, send a gift to your whole list or fragment of it you can do it easily. Write your message, chose time of mailing and you can send it to hundreds or even thousand subscribers with a single click. You could track results of your mailing with email analytics: open up rates, number of clicks...


Offering a subscription to your blog newsletter is another way to grow your list and build a relationship with your subscribers. You can send it weekly, monthly or every time you write a new post on your blog.

Email marketing is a very powerful way to build and run your online business. Communication is very important for any company especially internet based one. With autoresponders you can easily leverage your time and efforts, so you are free do much more important things such as creating contents for your website, training, self development, family or holidays...

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Good Examples of a Web Marketing Tool

A web marketing tool (otherwise known as an internet marketing tool) is anything that you can use to enhance your internet marketing efforts and results. There are many such tools available these days as web marketing is becoming more and more of an essential process to all businesses.

A web marketing tool can be a website, a software program, an e-book, a course, a training program, a system, or even an expert who can guide you along the way. These tools range in price from completely free to very expensive. Choosing the right one depends on your business, the amount of time you have to invest, and the amount of money you can afford to spend on the tool, in addition to other aspects.

Web marketing can be comprised of many different marketing techniques, or it can consist of just one or two. This also depends on where you're at in your business. If you're just starting out, you should just stick with one part of the process until you fully understand that and have it working to your advantage. Then you can move onto the next area. Also when you are just starting out, you might be on a budget and focus on the free or low-cost tools. Here are a few examples of a web marketing tool that you will need, no matter what your business.

First and foremost, you'll need a website. There are certain sites that will allow you to create one for free and teach you how to do it as well. There are some restrictions on features, but if you're just starting out, these will work fine until you're ready to move on to more advanced options. When you are, you can get into all kinds of SEO software, systems, and consulting tools which will bring your website up in ranking.

Second, you'll also want to look into autoresponders. There are some free versions of these as well. But you can get a much more reliable service by investing 15 to 30 dollars a month on an autoresponder. This is a crucial part of your business because it allows you to build a list of customers and potential customers and to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Some of the many autoresponders are GetResponse, ResponseMagic, AWeber, Oprius, and Icontact. They capture the data of visitors to your website so that you can email them with news, special offers, and updates about your business.

Another key web marketing tool is the keyword research tool. Keywords are important no matter what kind of marketing you do, so having a good tool will help you zone in on the best keywords for your business. You can use any of the free keyword research tools offered by Google, Yahoo, or Bing, or you can invest in some other tools that are on the market.

By leveraging all the tools mentioned above you can be well on your way to marketing your business on the internet and take advantage of today's high tech world.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   

Marketing on a Shoestring Budget - Autoresponders

If you have any aspirations of making money online, you will need an auto responder.

Marketing on a Shoestring Budget. Auto responders.

But which AR service is best for you? I'm not going to give detailed opinions on every product available here. To get in-depth information simply Google the phrase "Best Auto Responders." You'll get plenty of results. Alternatively, to shortcut the time and labour involved, and make selection easier, I will offer my recommendations based on a number of factors, including cost.

What is an auto responder and how does it work?

Also known as Email Marketing, an auto responder is the key to building your customer lists and maintaining regular communications with them. It's like having a personal assistant working for you 24/7. Even while you sleep, your AR can acknowledge registrations, send incentives and send timely emails to your customers. List Building. In the simplest terms with an auto responder you have the ability to create an opt-in on your site or blog, perhaps offering an incentive to encourage your visitors to register. They complete their name and email details, then submit the form. From this opt in sign up form, your customer is the sent an email (by the auto responder) asking them to confirm their request. This is called Double Opt-In. When they confirm the email, they are then redirected to where the incentive item is, and can immediately download the free gifts.

The important bit is - The AR service has now added the applicant's name to your list.

Before you recoil in horror, thinking this is a way of spamming, it's not. The recipient will nave requested, then confirmed permission for you to send them information (Double Opt-in).

Customer service and sales. Now you have a list of interested people, the system can be used to send out personalised, specific, timed email correspondence to them. This may be in the form of newsletters, weekly tips and hints, or referrals to a recommended product, either your own, or someone else's, as an affiliate. The application can be set to send out these communications at specific times or dates, according to your directions. For more details, simply search on Google etc.

By careful use of your auto responder, you have the opportunity of building trust with your customers. They should be people already interested in what you have to offer, so the opportunity to make sales is increased. Remember, they are unlikely to buy from you straight away, but if you use your auto responder to build an honest relationship, the sales should follow.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Using An Autoresponder For Your Business   

Newsletter Writing Mistakes - Top 7

One of the best ways to build relationships with your online customers is to write a regular newsletter. This not only enables you to stay in touch with them but allows you to survey your list for instant market research and sell products as you develop them. Before you even start writing your first sentence you should be aware of some of the largest mistakes made to create a highly effective newsletter.

Top 7 mistakes for writing a newsletter

1. No personalization

Most email software has personalization enabled so begin your newsletter with the name of the person you're sending it to. If you don't have this option use "Dear Friend" or something similar. This helps connect with your audience.

2. Pitching products

If your newsletter is one large pitch fest you'll turn off your readers. 80% should contain pure content and only 20% promoting your products. A great way to introduce your product is to write an article about it then include a link to the product sales page at the end. The article content will help pre-sell your product.

3. Incorrect formatting

Not all email software used by your clients will be able to read your content if it's not formatted correctly. Sentences should be 65 characters long, paragraphs should only contain 5-10 sentences and have plenty of white space between them for easy reading. Use bullet points to separate your ideas.

4. Impersonal writing style

If you write to your subscribers using corporate language or using an impersonal style you won't make a connection with them. Write as if you're talking to one person over coffee. Don't just view your subscriber list as a numbers game. It's better to have a small responsive list than a large list which receives little or no response.

5. Not using a professional delivery service

What if you invest hours into writing your newsletter then realize it doesn't get delivered to your readers because it didn't get past their email filters or got blocked by an Internet Service Provider (ISP)? If you want to make sure your newsletter gets delivered use a professional email service provider. It will give you peace of mind.

6. HTML or text

Most email service providers include HTML templates. This allows you to create a beautiful looking newsletter template to "wow" your readers. Don't make the mistake of just using HTML as some people have this setting turned off in their email software and won't be able to read it. If you're sending your newsletter in HTML include a text version as well. If you don't have this option create and send it in text only so all people on your list can read it.

7. Not monitoring your success

If you don't know how many people are actually reading your newsletter or clicking on the links embedded in your content you won't have a clear idea if your newsletter is successful. If your click through rate increases as your list grows it means you are connecting with your audience.

Writing a newsletter requires a firm commitment because you'll be investing a lot of effort for a long period of time however the rewards are worth it. You'll be able to make new friends, conduct market research and instantly sell your products as they become available.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   

Autoresponder List - What's the Best Way to Build a Relationship With Your List?

List building gurus often pride themselves with having a large autoresponder list however if only a few respond to their offers the large numbers don't mean much. It's the same with people who boast about their large number of Twitter or Facebook followers. The numbers may look good but the quality of the relationships with their followers may be lacking. Even a small list with a high response rate is better than a large list that gets little or no response.

5 ways to build a relationship with your autoresponder list

1. Treat each person as a friend

It's easy to view your autoresponder list as a numbers game. You figure the more subscribers you get the more money you will make. This can be compared to throwing mud at a wall. If you throw enough of it at the wall some of it will stick. Try to view each subscriber as a living, breathing human being instead of an object. Relate to each person as if you are sitting across the table from them. Instead of seeing them from your own viewpoint try to place yourself in their shoes. It will help you to be more objective.

2. Personalize your e-mail messages

A personalized message beginning with your own name is more powerful than using a generic name such as "Dear subscriber." Most autoresponder services allow you to create a number of fields for your opt in form. Make sure you at least include the name and e-mail address fields. Send an e-mail message to yourself first before sending it to your whole list. It will help you catch obvious errors.

3. Tell prospects what they'll be receiving

Tell your prospects ahead of time what they can expect to receive. For instance it could be a free report, an e-course or a video. Don't start sending a series of follow-up messages every few days if they did not request them. It will only irritate your prospects and cause them to unsubscribe from your autoresponder list.

Your first follow-up message should thank them for subscribing and give a summary what content to expect in subsequent e-mails. This will help them look forward to receiving your next email. At the top of each message remind your prospect why they subscribed. At the bottom provide a teaser sentence about the next message they'll be receiving.

4. Provide great content

If you come across as a salesman just trying to pitch your products in every message you'll lose your prospects. Don't make each follow-up message a sales pitch. Instead try to answer their most frequently asked questions. If you don't know what they are send them a survey for feedback. Try a variety of formats for the content to see which works best e.g. reports, audios, videos, webinars, etc.

5. Frequency of delivery

Create at least 7 follow-up e-mail messages to load into your autoresponder. Your first message should be sent immediately after they have submitted the sign-up form on your landing page. Your next 6 messages should be sent to 2 or 3 days apart from each other. Don't forget about your prospects after they've completed your autoresponder sequence. Continue to follow-up on them by sending more great content each week or every 2 weeks. Sometimes a prospect will buy a product after one year because you offered something they needed.

Consider sending a newsletter every 2 weeks to stay in touch with your customers. This gives you an opportunity to showcase your latest articles, provide news, tips and recommend your products.

If you consistently provide content that helps grow your customers business you'll have a customer for life. By taking care of the people on your list they'll take care of you by buying your products.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   

Top 5 Tips For Choosing the Best Email Autoresponder

People face many challenges when it comes to Internet marketing. Some challenges do not come about as a result of life or death type choices, however sometimes choosing blindly can definitely make your life harder in the long run. One such challenge is choosing the best autoresponder for your network marketing Internet business.

The features offered by email autoresponder providers are similar but choosing the best autoresponder should not depend on getting the most features but rather on carefully selecting a service that offers benefits to you specifically.

What should you do to choose the best autoresponder?

The answer is to know what your outcome is. Making choices is easy when you know what you want to do. Choosing the best email autoresponder is no different to choosing any other service.

The following are 5 tips for asking questions that will help you to make the best choice:

1. Am I aiming to have as big a list of subscribers as possible or not?

Why is this important? Because service providers often have an escalating price structure for the more subscribers you have on your list.

What this means is you start paying an attractive fee for the service but as you grow your list so you end up paying a lot more money. I am sure having as many subscribers on your list is one of your goals so check the pricing structure carefully.

There are smaller providers, just as effective as the bigger players who offer an unlimited amount of subscribers for the same base price.

2. Am I wanting to have as many lists as possible?

The main thinking behind this is that you will probably want to have different groups of subscribers in your email autoresponder, depending on who you are targeting.

You may for instance want separate email lists for your primary company, the opt in on your blog etc. Also you may want to diversify into other business areas and want lists for these so that you can market to them.

Just as some providers limit the number of subscribers you can have on a list, so they also limit the number of lists you can use unless you are willing to upgrade your account and pay more money.

If this is important to you, then make sure you choose an email autoresponder that allows an unlimited number of lists.

3. Do I want to make as much money as I can by promoting my email autoresponder provider?

This is very important because some providers only pay up to two levels deep while others will pay up to eight levels down.

What this means is you get paid for people you have recommended the service to and who have continued to recommend the service on, up to eight people down the line. You will make more residual income this way than being an affiliate of a two tier system.

4. Do I want to know how successful my email marketing campaign is?

Frankly there is not much point in emailing people and just hoping for the best. Here are two reasons why this is a good idea:

Firstly you want to track your open rates. This will allow you to see exactly how your email marketing messages are performing. You'll be able to see exactly how many of your messages are actually being opened by your subscribers.

Secondly, you want to be able to track your click-through rates. You need the email autoresponder provider to have powerful AdTracking technology, which can track the effectiveness of each letter in your email marketing campaign.

In addition, this same technology can track any online advertising. This way you'll know which ads are producing subscribers and even more important, which letters are converting those subscribers to customers.

5. Is it possible that I may need customer support from my email autoresponder provider?

Why is this important? When working with technology especially if you are not very tech savvy, you will probably need help in the future with challenges that arise.

I would suggest that you make sure the provider you use offers unlimited free customer support. You want a support team that is always available to help you with questions about your new autoresonder. This must be in addition to them offering free video training to see exactly how to set up your email autoresponder.

Carefully follow the 5 tips above and you can expect to narrow down your results considerably when choosing the best autoresponder. Your choice then will result in having all the joys, benefits and fruits that these good results bring you. When you ignore them, best prepare yourself for worse results than those you might otherwise achieve.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   

Instant Customer Base - Using Autoresponder Leads

Marketing your products using the internet is a good online business idea. It can help generate leads and sales that can be turned into a substantial profit.

Internet marketing is one of the highly competitive industries these days. If you want to succeed, establishing a customer base is one of the key factors. If you do not have new customers, you are close to not making any money at all and will not make your business survive in the market. There are thousands of autoresponder leads which will help you when it comes to contacting individuals who are interested and this will dramatically improve your customer base. The best way to generate sales and earn a good income, you need to pay extra effort in attracting users or visitors.

Autoresponder Leads

One should not be too confident if t your website is indexed and included in the list of amongst the search engines. It is important to know how to look for new customers and communicate with them. Getting thousands of new leads in an instant is now made possible. You might doubt the effectiveness of autoresponder leads since there are several issues involving spam and unasked contact. However, you can sigh in relief when you learn that in getting leads, you are actually keeping in touch those who have made requests for information regarding business opportunities in internet marketing.

This will enable you to see the IP address as well as the time the request made and communicate with this people quickly. It will allow you to increase the traffic in your website and most of the visitors that will subscribe you will later on purchase the products in your website.

It will be a lot easier to gain access to fresh leads and include them in the mailing list. The mailing list is one of the vital aspects in every online business. But you should provide them with high quality products as well as excellent client service. In order for you to find newer customers, you have to keep in touch with the customers you have for they can encourage their friends and family to give your product a try.

The leads through Autoresponder are one of the best ways to let thousands of potential customers know the kind of business that you have.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Using An Autoresponder For Your Business   

Introduction To Autoresponders For Your Business Marketing Online

There are many business around on internet doing marketing online. They are making over $200 billion sales per one year on internet with net sales growth of 8% per a year, in US. There are plenty of opportunity that you can succeed on internet. The internet users are already growing up to 2.6 trillion page views per a day on the world to doing many kind of activities on the internet. There are many people signing up on internet and the number will not stop. There are many countries around the world developing to be succeeded on the new world. China became number 3 on whole GDP market today, and there are many others,such as BRICs and Oriental countries, developing to be the westernized developed nations.

By doing the business on internet today, you will receive many number of e-mails everyday. There is a way to handle the mass amount of e-mails mailed to you by doing the business on internet,that is,the only way to handle, to get autoresponders. There are no many employees available to you to respond whole e-mails sent to you every day if you are doing the business. There is too much cost to hire somebody to respond to all the e-mails sent to you if you are doing the business on internet.

People expect to be replied on every e-mail they submitted, there are several way to solve the puzzle. There are many settings on autoresponders on the market today, that solve the issue for separate replies for many different issues on the customer inquiries. They process the different sets of e-mails sent by the conditions the customers wrote on the inquiries on their e-mails. The settings on autoresponder decides the e-mails that reply to the customer e-mails from the parameters written o the e-mails such as included sentences on the sender, title, text, header, signature, and footnote sections on e-mails that customers sent to autorespomders. There are settings on parameters that you must set to make autoresponder programs to send different e-mails by the conditions met by the specific parameter settings you set by the e-mail sent by the customers. There send different e-mails to any issues which are inquired by the customer replies. They send routines of e-mails you set to the customer e-mail newsletters or opt-in confirmation letters that you send to your customers to keep them active to your businesses.

You can obtain those autoresponders written by cgi scripting, php, and others by getting from the CGI scripting resources to get the pre-written program which you need settings changed by your server`s condition where you install the autoresponder propgram, they also offer setting services available by most of the CGI scripting resource companies with under $20 - $100 with personal and business accounts. You can also get autoresponders by paying for separate autoresponder services from your business/personal servers that replies to your customer e-mails from their different servers. They offer services around $20 - $200 for personal and business uses, prices may vary from the type of your accounts and from the amounts of e-mails to be sent.

There are many things you will get from e-mail from the customers, such as customer feedback, inquiries, and customers supports. There are many factors that you can not ignore such as customer feedback and questions by doing the business online. Customer feedback are one of the most important factor that you may not ignore if you are doing the business online, the public opinions from your customers and anybody who related to your business are critical factors in marketing research on the business. The more products and services you offer the more critical the customer feedback section of marketing research becomes since they are direct opinion from the customers in specific products you offer.

You can also customize the autoresponder message by adding a signatures to e-mail reply message. You can put your signature to your reply e-mails with your information. You can include your contact information, phone numbers, fax numbers, name, addresses, and text letters for your messages in 4-8 lines with 70-80 letters on each lines. Adding a signature files to your autoresponder makes it better if you use them for businesses.

Also, there are other ways to use autoresponders rather than regularly answering the customer questions.

You can offer video course which search engines prefers for SEO. You can embed videos you customly made with 5 to 30 mins on your websites and also with your e-mail messages as well as graphics interfaces to your autoresponder e-mails. The multimedia is one of the top critical factors to any websites on market today, you can put as much multimedia materials on your websites to attract customers and search engines until the maximum amount to the websites to load on accessibility test. If you put well amount of multimedia materials on your website and set all the accessibility such as file formats and plug-ins to the materials with SEO optimized for layouts and embeddings of the websites, you may create websites with good accessibility with your web server to your customers or your audience. The accessibility is measured by the response time of your web pages loads and some other factors which make sure that the websites use materials which can be easily accessed by many views and audiences around the targeted area. You can measure your websites accessibility by one of the accessibility test sites you can find on search engines such as Google. You must use proper materials on your websites such as popular media players, flash player, media player, and acrobat, embedded with your multimedia files in ordered to be viewed within the webpages or be viewed and be downloaded by the viewers later. You may not use unpopular media players and plug-ins embedded with the webpages which are barely listed on the search engines and expected to be viewed by your audience targeted, so as to your video files attached on your autoresponder e-mail related to what you are offering at your websites for your services.

Make sure you make good material on video which you can make from writing a script or you can hire a company to create a videos for you. You can make your video easily by digital cam and free video editing software, you can check for references to make custom videos for your websites or for your autoresponder messages. The free video editing software are available online, such as from Microsoft, Adobe. You can also submit the videos you made to many video sharing sites such as YouTube, Metacafe, and others and make SEO for them to create good materials you can offer to your customers. The effect of putting those multimedia files on websites are extremely great that you can gain high rank on search engines to get audiences for your subjects of your business. Google put higher ranking on their site listing on specified keywords if you put videos embedded on your websites. They also offer video sharing site YouTube. You make good response from making video courses offered, putting multimedia files, and SEO the websites with autoresponder e-mails for your video courses. Putting multimedia materials is one of the top critical things on internet today.

Otherwise, you can make regular newsletters and e-mail courses that offers customers valuable information to promote your business for your online marketing. It is most critical things to market your business online today since the users on internet are growing every seconds and there are about 1.6 times the numbers of computers to the population in US. Communicating on internet is a critical factors on business today and many cases it cost no-money.

Try for autoresponders. They offer unlimited e-mails with all the features, including opt-in forms, graphic e-mails, and import formatted e-mail templates.

Autoresponders are great and effective way to communicate with your customers and audience to promote your business on marketing online. There is no other way that you can communicate with your customers convenient than the using the autoresponders with your business, since they are effective and cost almost nothing to operate rather than hiring many employees to answer all the inquiries to your customers and audiences. They also promote and manage your customers to make sales automatically, if you set them well enough. It is a most critical factors on business today to respond to e-mail inquiries since all the persons use the internet today with e-mail as a way of the communications to contact their friends and businesses for daily basis. Hope you succeed on your business online marketing campaign.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   

Using Auto Responders to Generate Business

Every business needs a customer base to generate profits. Without customers your business won't last very long. To attract customers you need to generate lots of traffic. If your visitors don't convert into buyers you'll lose your customer base. One of the best methods of traffic conversion is to follow-up on potential customers using auto responders.

How auto responders work to generate business

When a potential customer visits your sales page several things occur such as:

buy the product read and never return say "I'll think about it" and don't return say "I'll come back later" but forget get distracted by other activities

Out all the reasons mentioned above only a very small percentage of visitors will buy your product the first time they visit. The majority leave and never return (even though they intend to). A few return because they bookmarked your sales page. Most first-time visitors would benefit by receiving a series of e-mails reminding them about your product. A sequential auto responder enables you to automatically send an unlimited number of e-mail messages at pre-determined times. Instead of only hearing about your product one time your potential customer receives a series of reminders that cuts through their distractions. It takes at least 7 follow-up e-mails to generate a sale. The great benefit of an auto responder is once you've got it set up you can forget about it. It automatically takes care of the follow-up process.

3 ways auto responders generate business

1. Build customer value

If a customer senses you care about them by providing answers to their most frustrating problems they'll look forward to receiving your content. Instead of going for instant sales generated by impulse buyers you "drip feed" information to them using your autoresponder. Each follow-up message should contain in-depth information about your product. This helps your potential customer to make an informed decision so they'll be more inclined to open their wallets. If you continue to take care of your customers even after they have bought something you'll have a customer for life. Customers who've already purchased tend to buy again.

2. Save time

If you tried to handle the follow-up process manually it would eat up a lot of your time. Your time could be better spent creating more products and generating traffic. An auto responder helps save time by automatically following-up on potential customers and converting them into buyers.

An autoresponder also saves time by pre-scheduling delivery of newsletters. For instance if you can't remember when to send your newsletter simply load your newsletters into your autoresponder and pre-schedule them to be sent automatically each week or for the next 3 weeks or on specific dates.

3. Generate business on autopilot

Every product you create should be marketed using an auto responder because it will increase your sales. Most professional services allow you to set up unlimited auto responders and have unlimited e-mail lists. Create a separate email list for each product and assign a new auto responder to each list. You always have the option to send an e-mail to one or all of your lists at the same time particularly if your message resonates with all your subscribers.

If you implement these 3 methods you'll save time, build long-term relationships with your customers and sell products on autopilot.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   Autoresponders Make Your Email Marketing Effective and Easy   Email Campaign Software - A Must For Online Business Part 2   

How Using Autoresponders Can Help You Boost Your Online Business

Every Internet marketer knows the value of using autoresponders for their online business. An autoresponder lets you put your email marketing on auto-pilot and lets you get the most out of it. They are like having an assistant who works just for you and who sends out your emails for you, and you don't have to do a thing but set the system up. However, you won't succeed with autoresponders if you don't learn the various ways to use them. You must be able to think creatively if you want to get all you can from your efforts. The following three tips will help you reach your target group with your autoresponder with maximum results.

1. You could run an e-course that your customers can pay you money for. That's right, as this technique has been utilized by many successful individuals like Joe Vitale, who has used it to provide an e-course that he charged money for, and he used nothing more than an autoresponder service. This class will offer knowledge in a way that's distributed to students through the autoresponder. The autoresponder makes everything automatic because you will have previously written the e-class and programmed it into the service to be sent out on a pre-determined schedule. When your customers have paid, you can then send out each lesson to them regularly using emails. Your emails don't even need to include all the content, because you can put links in your emails that will take your subscribers to video sites or anywhere else you want to lead them.

2. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you should send out regular emails to your subscribers where you tell them about new products you may be offering or you inform them of any interesting goings-on in the industry. When you put in the effort to create such a list, you'll be able to reach out to your target audience easily and at the same time provide them with valued content. There are quite a few internet marketers who use autoresponder services to help them manage their subscriber lists and this helps them expand their business exponentially. If you build lists slowly over time, you will eventually reap all the benefits that a highly target provides.

3. Your autoresponder can also be used for advertising purposes. For example, you might offer ad space on your site or ezine for a price. You might let your subscribers know that your prices have been altered or you can tell them anything, really. In many cases, internet marketers will want to increase the amounts they charge for ad space after a while, and you can easily notify those on your subscriber list of this price change using your autoresponder.

In closing, you now see just how important thinking outside the box is when it comes to autoresponders. There are many internet marketers who don't reach their full potential because they don't realize that their autoresponders can be used in a number of different ways, not just one or two. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you should try to use autoresponders in your email marketing ventures. No matter how small or big the task looks, see if you can employ your autoresponder to automate it and make it easier. Remember, the quicker you make things, the more money you'll make.

Antiquated or Automated   Why Local Mobile Marketing Matters For Your Business   A Program That Can Automatically Send Email on Your Behalf   Choose The Right Autoresponders Service   

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